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Abused By Illusions

Saturday, December 18, 2004
Bush is Selling a Trojan Horse, Says Author of 'The Looting of Social Security'
Greenspan wrote plan in 1983 that was to save Social Security

Dec. 15, 2004 - "President Bush is trying to sell his privatization proposal as a plan to save Social Security, when it is actually a clever scam designed to destroy the program that conservatives have hated since its enactment in 1935," says economist Allen W. Smith, Ph.D., author of the book, "The Looting of Social Security: How the Government is Draining America's Retirement Account."

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Guest Opinion

A Warning for Social Security Reformers

By Bernard Wasow, senior fellow and economist at The Century Foundation

Nov. 17, 2004 - While the administration is preparing its drive to replace part of Social Security with private investment accounts, an obscure government agency is planning to go to Congress to ask for a bail- out. The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC), which guarantees private pension plans, just announced that its net liabilities are double earlier estimates, more than $23 billion. More... 11/17/04*

Guest Opinion

Social Security Investment Accounts Would Be Dangerous For Seniors

By David J. Roberts, Associate Professor of Accountancy, DePaul University

Nov. 13, 2004 - Proponents of so-called personal accounts (to use the more politically marketable terminology for what is really partial privatization) typically argue that such accounts are needed to save Social Security. But partial privatization would not likely "save" Social Security, and would probably cause serious harm to seniors and long-time participants in the current system. More... 11/13/04*

Smith argues that Social Security is not facing an imminent crisis and that Bush is using scare tactics in an effort to stampede the public into accepting his plan.

According to Smith, the Bush plan is a Trojan horse with which Bush, Greenspan, and fellow conservatives hope to destroy the current Social Security program before the American people wake up to the fact that $1.5 trillion of Social Security money has been spent on other things by the government, in violation of federal law, over the past two decades, with more than one-third of the money having been looted during Bush's presidency.


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Smith says that Alan Greenspan was the chief architect of a plan to fix Social Security that was enacted into law in 1983. That legislation increased payroll tax rates high enough so the baby boomers would be required to prepay the cost of retirement benefits for themselves, in addition to paying for the benefits of the preceding generation.

The 1983 payroll tax increase has generated more than $1.5 trillion in Social Security surplus, earmarked specifically for funding the retirement of the baby boomers. Because of that tax increase, the trust fund should today contain at least $1.5 trillion in real liquid assets in the form of regular marketable Treasury Bonds just like those bonds in which many private pension plans invest, but it does not contain any marketable bonds.

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