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Abused By Illusions

Friday, September 30, 2005
Army in Worst Recruiting Slump in Decades
You tell lie after lie to start a war. You cut Veteran's healthcare benefits. You have returning veterans from the war you originally lied the troops into that are now sleeping in the streets. The troops you have in the war are having to purchase their own body armor. Government leaders and all of their friends are making big money in defense investments and from rebuilding the country your lies destroyed the infrastructure of.

Your excuse changes monthly on why troops are serving multiple tours of duty in this god awful hell hole of leaders creation. Yet your think tanks have the audacity to say that it's the strong national economy and potential enlistees hearing about deaths in Iraq.

Wake up! It's called common sense something that has apparently become a forgotten art in the beltway!

Read the story here!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents
I'm posting a link for the Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-dissidents put out by Reporters Without Borders. It is a great source of tips for those wishing to remain anonymous while using the internets as a platform for political dissent. It also covers ways of getting your blog publicity as well as how to maintain your credibility through observing basic ethical and journalistic principles.

You can get your copy in PDF format on the Reporters With out Borders Website here!
Monday, September 19, 2005
Blair 'relished sending British forces to war'
I've just got one question for Tony Blair and for the supporters of the Iraqi debacle on this side of the pond. Why don't you war mongering wanks volunteer for military service yourselves? The military is having one hell of a time recruiting enough folks to keep this charlie foxtrot slogging along. Get off your fat asses, from in under your desk, and from behind your keyboards and quit talking about supporting the troops and go join them. The military can have your sorry ass whipped into war fighting shape in no time and you can put your hummingbird asses where your alligator mouths have taken you. I know your excuses. It would be to much of a sacrifice, you would lose too much money, your education or your career are much too important.

Truth is they have a nice enlistment bonus at the moment that would probably pay your house payment, your car payment, and American Express bill for a while. I'm not gonna hold my breath though you have decided to the let poor and the middle class pay for the brunt of this war in their blood. You will just as soon continue to sit on your fat ass and wave your flag from safely in under your desk and behind your keyboard. You are not so much a war hawk as you are a chicken hawk as you rant about how we (really meaning those poor folk) have to stay the course over in Iraq. I say shut the F up until you march down and fill out your recruiting paperwork.

Go back to ranting about how you support 'W' in your blog, counting your defense stock divdends, and limiting big government in your warhawk blog. But remember it's all just one great big turd of a selfdelusional lie your a chickenshit hypocrite that only mouths the words to the song because you don't have the ass to dance the dance.

Read about Tony Blair's and your own shame here!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Video: Citizens Handcuffed, Forced To Give Up Firearms
When you watch this video listen for this quote:

"Police took their weapons but LET THEM STAY IN THEIR HOMES".

So what was the justification for disarming the people to begin with?

Friday, September 16, 2005
Pentagon Worker, Under Orders, Destroyed Documents Identifying Atta as Terrorist 2 years before 2001 Attacks
When will Americans wake up and realize that a political house cleaning is long over due, that it is time to house the criminals masquerading as politicians and civil servants in their ever expanding penal system, and that they have been lied to deceived and had treason committed against them? How long will it be before their eyes are opened to the fact that sociopathic lunatics are in charge of the asylum? Will it be in time to keep this old house that we all know as the United States of America from falling? I hope so but I lose more faith in a positive outcome everyday. Americans have been lulled into the false belief that as long as they keep their spending up at the mall that they will remain free.

America has forgotten the warnings of her forefathers regarding the greatest threat to liberty that being her own government. America remiss in remembering why a Bill of Rights was so important to those that formed her first government. In short Americans have become lazy craven timorous observers as this great old house is ravaged by the parasites within.

Before posting the link to the story on the Pentagon worker who destroyed documents that identified Mohammad Atta as a terrorist 2 years before the 2001 attacks I would like to leave you with some quotes by some famous Americans from a different time. Their words are just as true if not more true than when they penned them.

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
James Madison

It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.
James Madison

No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.
James Madison

Of all the enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.
James Madison

The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.
James Madison

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government."
-- Thomas Paine

A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.
Thomas Jefferson

“The citizen who sees his society’s democratic clothes being worn out and does not cry it out, is not a patriot, but a traitor.”
--Mark Twain

Why is any of this important to me you might ask? I was in a college course last spring when the topic of government came up. I made the mistake of repeating some of the quotes above and other similar ones to my younger classmates. They were aghast and told me that I couldn't talk like that. They told me that words like the above would get one arrested and locked up by the state. One classmate considered the words of our founders so subversive that he had to get up and leave saying that our discussion was scaring him. I wasn't scared that the police or anyone was going to come arrest me. What scared me was watching and listening to my younger classmates. Many of them were truly terrified. Where and how did they get these ideas? Was the world upside down or was I?

How can we honestly say that we are exporting freedom and democracy to the world when our government is instilling this kind of terror in those young people? When our democratically elected representatives are treasonously voting for laws such as the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act and removing the original sunset clauses on many of the provisions of same in contravention of the oath of office that they all swore to?

If the words of our founding fathers are now treasonous and the highest virtues in the land are insuring we continue to spend at the mall and never ever speak in dissension with the wrong headed actions of our elected representatives then America we are in trouble. Does anyone understand where I am coming from on this? Or am I just an addled old veteran that doesn't understand how chic it is to live in a corporate facist state?

As always your comments are encouraged and most appreciated. I got the code fixed for the popup comments but when it takes you to the comments page you still have to scroll to the top of the page in some browsers to get to the link for the comment popup.

C.I. Abramson

Here is the link to the story on the destruction of the documents identifying Atta as a terrorist two years before the 2001 attacks: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050916/ap_on_go_co/sept11_hijackers

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. --Pericles (430 B.C.)

To announce that there must be NO criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President Right or Wrong, is not only UNPATRIOTIC and SERVILE, but is Morally TREASONABLE to the American Public." Former Republican President, Theodore Roosevelt

"People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction."
—James Baldwin

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance--that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
-- Herbert Spencer
Full Text of Roberts Confirmation Hearing referencing Implantable Chips
It took a bit of slogging around but I have found documentary evidence of the exchange between Senator Biden and John Roberts during the confirmation hearing. Here's the full text of the exchange dealing with implantable chips courtesy of a press release from Senator Bidens website. I have placed the relevant section of the exhange in bold. The audio recording of this can be reached via the link to Alex Jones Prisonplanet.com website in my posting below.

C.I. Abramson


September 12, 2005
Press Release

Biden's Opening Statement at the Confirmation Hearings for John G. Roberts, Jr. to become Chief Justice of the United States

Mr. BIDEN: Judge Roberts, welcome.

Judge, as you know, there is a genuine intellectual struggle going on in our country over whether our Constitution will continue to protect our privacy and continue to empower the federal government to protect the powerless.

For 70 years, there has been a consensus in our Supreme Court on these issues. And this consensus has been fully embraced by the American people.

But there are those who strongly disagree with this consensus – and they seek to unravel it. And, Judge, you have the unenviable position of being right in the middle of this fundamentally important debate.

And, quite frankly, we need to know on which side you stand. For whoever replaces Chief Justice Rehnquist, as well as Justice O’Connor, will play pivotal roles in this debate.

But for tens of millions of our people this is more than an academic debate.

For the position you take in this debate will affect their lives in very real and personal ways – for the next three decades. There is nothing they can do about it after this moment.

I believe in a Constitution – as our Supreme Court’s first great Chief Justice, John Marshall, said in 1819 – and I quote “intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs.”

At its core, the Constitution envisions ever increasing protections of human liberty and dignity for its citizens and a national government empowered to face unanticipated “crises.”

Judge, herein lies the crux of the intellectual debate I referenced at the outset – whether we will have ever increasing protections for human liberty and dignity or whether those protections will be diminished.

In 1925, the Constitution preserved the rights of parents to determine how to educate their kids, striking down a law that required children to attend public schools. In 1965, the Constitution told the state to get out of a married couple’s bedroom, by striking down a state law prohibiting married couples from using contraceptives. In 1967, the Constitution defended the right of a black woman to marry a white man. And in 1977, the Constitution stopped a city from making it a crime for a grandmother to live with her grandchildren.

And, fortunately, even when the Supreme Court, at first, took our Constitution away from the promise and hope of our Constitution’s ennobling phrases; in the end, we have kept the faith.

In 1873, for example, the Court said states could forbid women from being lawyers. It took a hundred years to undo this terrible mistake. But the Court eventually got it right.

In 1896, the Supreme Court said “separate but equal” was lawful. It took 58 years for the Supreme Court to outlaw racial segregation, throwing that doctrine in the dustbin of history. But the Court ultimately got it right.

In the early 1900s, the Court rendered the federal government powerless to outlaw child labor and to protect workers. It took until 1937 for the Supreme Court to see the error in its ways. But the Court finally got it right.

At every step, we’ve had to struggle against those who saw the Constitution as frozen in time. But time and again, we have overcome, and the Constitution has remained relevant and dynamic thanks to a proper interpretation of the ennobling phrases purposefully placed in our great “civic Bible.”

And once again – when it should be even more obvious we need increased protections for liberty – as we look around the world and see thousands persecuted for their faith, women unable to show their faces in public, and children maimed and killed for no other reason than which tribe they were born into.

And once again – when it should be obvious we need a more energetic national government to deal with the challenges of a new millennium – terrorism, the spread of weapons of mass destruction, pandemic disease, and religious intolerance.

Once again, our journey of progress is under attack from the Right.

There are judges, scholars, and opinion leaders – good and honorable people – who believe the Constitution provides no protection against government intrusions into our highly personal decisions – decisions about birth, marriage, family, death, and religion. There are those who would slash the power of our national government, fragmenting it among the states. Incredibly, some have even argued that the Constitution eliminates the federal government’s ability to respond to disasters like Katrina.

Judge, I don’t believe the Constitution these individuals long for could have led to the America our Founders envisioned. Like the Founders, I believe our Constitution is as big and as grand as this great nation.

Our constitutional journey did not stop with women barred from being lawyers, with 10-year-olds working in coal mines, or with black kids forced into different schools than white kids just because the Constitution nowhere mentions “sex discrimination,” “child labor,” or “segregated education.”

Our constitutional journey did not stop then, and it must not stop now. For we will be faced with equally consequential decisions in the 21st Century: can microscopic tags be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement; can patents be issued for the creation of human life; can brain scans be used to determine whether a person is inclined toward criminal or violent behavior?

Judge, I need to know whether you will be a Justice who believes that the constitutional journey must continue to speak to these consequential decisions – or that we’ve gone far enough in protecting against government intrusion into the most personal decisions we make.

Judge, that’s why this is a critical moment. Those elected officials on the Far Right, such as Mr. DeLay and others, have been unsuccessful at implementing their radical agenda in the elected branches – so they pour their energy and resources into trying to change the Court’s view of the Constitution.

And now they have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – the filling of two Supreme Court vacancies, one of which is the Chief Justice’s – the first time that’s happened in 75 years.

Judge, I believe with every fiber of my being that their view of the Constitution and where the Country should be taken would be a disaster for our people.

Like most Americans, I believe the Constitution recognizes a general right to privacy.

I believe the rights of women must be nationally and vigorously protected.

I believe the federal government must act as a shield to protect the powerless against major economic interests.

I believe the federal government should stamp out discrimination – wherever it occurs.

And I believe the Constitution inspires and empowers us to achieve these goals.

Judge, if I looked only at what you’ve said and written in the past, I’d feel compelled to vote NO. You dismissed the Constitution’s protection of privacy as a “so-called right,” you derided agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission that combat corporate misconduct as “constitutional anomalies,” and you dismissed “gender discrimination” as merely a quote, “perceived problem.”

This is your chance to explain what you meant by what you have said and what you have written.

The Constitution provides for one democratic moment before a lifetime of judicial independence, when we the people of the United States are entitled to know as much as we can about the person we are entrusting with safeguarding our future and the future of our children and grandchildren.

This is that moment. That’s what these hearings are about.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Roberts Questioned on Implantable Chip During Hearings
During the the confirmation hearings for John Roberts Jr., George W. Bush's nominee for Supreme Court chief justice, Roberts was questioned by Senator Joseph R. Biden on whether he would rule against a mandatory implantable microchip to track American citizens.

Here the clip of the questioning here!
Doctors Euthanized Katrina Victims
DOCTORS working in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans killed critically ill patients rather than leave them to die in agony as they evacuated.

Read the full story here!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Overkill in New Orleans
Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans. Some of the mercenaries say they have been "deputized" by the Louisiana governor; indeed some are wearing gold Louisiana state law enforcement badges on their chests and Blackwater photo identification cards on their arms.

Read the full story here!
Friday, September 09, 2005
Atlanta Police Prove There is Nothing Like Southern Hospitality
The Atlanta Police proved there is nothing like southern hospitality to a New Orleans family that made the unhappy mistake of running out of money in the Buckhead area as they fled storm ravaged New Orleans. Is it just me or are people callous as hell anymore and particularly if they work for the government?

ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION - A man who fled Louisiana with his family to escape Hurricane Katrina was arrested for asking motorists for money in this city where banning panhandling has been a hotly debated issue. James Scott says he had slept in a car for days with his brother, sister and her two young children before they decided to ask for help. Nearly broke, the family drove to Buckhead, an affluent north Atlanta neighborhood Thursday and got out near a shopping mall, hoping for the charity of others. . . After a half hour of asking passing motorists for help, Scott was approached by a policeman on a bicycle. Scott showed the officer his Louisiana driver's license, his car tag and his car registration - proof that he was not a local homeless person, but an evacuee down on his luck in an unfamiliar city. He was arrested for soliciting. "I asked the cop, 'You can't feel my pain?'" said Scott, who added that another officer gave him $7 as he was taken to jail. Atlanta Police Department spokesman John Quigley said soliciting on a public sidewalk is allowed, but not in traffic.
Paying the Price for Katrina and America’s Shadow Government
An excellent article by John W. Whitehead founder of the Rutherford Institute and the facts all Americans should know about the FEMA system.

Read his article here.
Flood survivors cuffed as evacuation begins
Police Trapped Thousands in New Orleans
Here's an interesting article with several links of survivors stories of how they were blocked by police from leaving the New Orleans disaster area on foot.

Article and Pictures from Oklahoma FEMA Detention Camp
Interesting reading with pictures at the following link of the welcome FEMA is giving those that were removed from New Orleans to Oklahoma.

I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp
Refugees from New Orleans behind barbed wire in Utah
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Bush Quote on His Use of Propaganda
Bacteriologist and Government Insider Claims Oklahoma City and 9/11 Both 'Inside Jobs'
An interesting article from Articbeacon.com on an interview with a government insider concerning the Oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11.

You can read the article here!
Problem with Quote Feature
I've noticed when looking at my stats that apparently some folks have been trying to leave coments and have been unable to. For some reason when you click my comment button it takes you to the bottom of the comment page and you must scroll back to the top of the comment page in order to be able to leave your comment. I apologize for this and hope to have th problem with the code or changed over to an external comments program very soon. Does anyone have any suggestions on a nice add-on program for quotes?
Monday, September 05, 2005
Psychosis Apparently Runs in the Bush Family
When I read quotes such as these from the presidents mother it makes me wonder. Does psychosis run rampant throughout the Bush family? Apparently, like mother like son!

"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths," Barbara Bush said on ABC's "Good Morning America" on March 18, 2003. "Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"


Barbara Bush: "So Many Of The People In The Arena... Were Underprivileged Anyway, So This Is Working Very Well For Them"...


Forgive my french but what a sorry old c%*t!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Video of N.O. Police Looting at Walmart
I thought this was an interesting video of a reporter interviewing a policewoman in N.O. as she and another policewoman were looting a buggy of shoes at a Walmart.

Police Looting
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans
Interesting now US citizens in N.O. are being referred to by the Army as the insurgency?

While some fight the insurgency in the city, other carry on with rescue and evacuation operations. Helicopters are still pulling hundreds of stranded people from rooftops of flooded homes.

See the full story at The Army Times.
"Make the Pie Higher!"
"Make the Pie Higher!" poem is composed of actual quotes from George W. Bush.

by George W. Bush

I think we all agree, the past is over.
This is still a dangerous world.
It's a world of madmen and uncertainty
and potential mental losses.

Rarely is the question asked
Is our children learning?
Will the highways of the Internet become more few?
How many hands have I shaked?

They misunderestimate me.
I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity.
I know that the human being and the fish can coexist.
Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream.

Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize society!
Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!