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Abused By Illusions

Thursday, October 07, 2004
Arol's Reply to the Critics
Reprinted from www.zendik.org

Well, you've all come out of the woodwork—mad at Arol for telling you to rebel, deny, defy instead of voting—hey, if the only way you can rebel, deny, defy is by voting then do it, but don't bitch about the results. It's my opinion, right? and it's not politically correct, but then I've been a Zendik a long time and I want to change everything and a compromise Republicrat or Demican won't do it—cause he or she is working for the same people—they're owned by the same corporate heads, you know, the ones who set the prices on everything including our souls. So vote if that's all you can do and when the guy you vote for does the same thing as everyone else has done, don't blame him or her, blame the system, blame the philosophy, blame the roots of the problem and keep on bitching till maybe you'll start a revolution by changing everything including the corrupt beyond-belief-system.

One of you told me I should be ashamed of myself—people, and I'm sad to say women, have told me that all my life. But you see you should be ashamed for compromising, for settling for the little crumbs you've been thrown—your vote doesn't really mean that much does it? It really isn't representational democracy is it? It's not one vote one decision. The system has in place an electoral college, put there by people who don't trust us ("the people," as we're called), a system whereby when its clear the people want someone, they can't have it unless their "safeguard", the electoral system, agrees with them. Yeah, my friends start dismantling, call for referendums, call for changes in the constitution. We've got one that's amendable, we can change everything if we wouldn't compromise. Get together!

There's so many ways to cause a revolution if we would get together and truly decide to change the system—we can do it legally and peacefully. How can we get together?—We already do, through the worldwide web for example. There's lots of possible scenarios to do—we've got to get our imaginary caps on—our "What if" caps on.

Yeah, when the dust settles and you can blame people like me for not voting your man in—whoever he is—take a look around—who's setting the prices for our clothing, housing, entertainment, schools, who's dealing with our taxes—the people who control the system, the small number of super, super powerful who sit on the boards of major banks, insurance companies, entertainment companies, major military and industrial companies, etc. and they rule our politicians—including our presidents (not by direct orders—I'm not a conspiracy freak but just by the unspoken rule of better do what we want or you're out)—and it's international!

It really doesn't matter (as it stands now) who you vote for —they're always backed and ruled by the same people—lobbyists, the electoral college, professional politicians they all work for the people who own the system and that's the few in the world, not just this country, to repeat myself, who own the resources and whoever owns the resources owns what you call the democratic process.

How about causing a real democracy instead of settling for the mockery we have now. And, hey, you who are so mad at me—do you vote for your board of education, do you vote for your local commissioners, do you vote for your town or city council—do you vote at the local level for or against people you actually know or do you just come out for the big totally corrupt game in town—the presidential election!

Didn't the last election teach you that the system stinks? Again vote in this sham—if that's all you can do, but know it's not going to solve anything. We must step away from the system, not join it and compromise for it—we must begin a revolution and that means how you think, how you feel and where your bravery and firmness of conviction is.

I have a vision, I know we could have a beautiful world and I've dedicated my life to creating that vision into reality. How about you? Yeah, I compromise—I drive, I use electricity sent to me by those same masters—yes, Zendik has computers, computers, and more computers, video games and vans and trucks and phones and clothes and make-up and tattoos and sells it's art and ideas to survive and pay for everything—yes, I compromise every day just like you do when you vote, but I have very very long term ideals and dreams and knowledge of a better world and I never forget that and never settle in my mind for anything less and do whatever I can to change everything (I'm writing this piece—it's public!) and that's how I justify my existence.

How about you doing the same instead of attacking me for telling the truth. The attack on me is so you can go ahead and do your vote and blame me for not doing what you want me to do. No, my dears, let's fight together to change everything—your squabbling and trying to shame and coerce me won't do it. And again, I must say it! neither will your vote.

Love to you,

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