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Abused By Illusions

Sunday, October 02, 2005
The Intelligence Community is guided by the definition of terrorism contained in Title 22 of the US Code, Section 2656f(d):

—The term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.

—The term “international terrorism” means terrorism involving the territory or the citizens of more than one country.

—The term “terrorist group” means any group that practices, or has significant subgroups that practice, international terrorism.

Today I would like to point you to commentary written by Patrick Briley on things that are known about the Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah Building. Above I have included the definition of terrorism which is available at the Central Intelligence Angencies website at . You will notice in line two and three of this definition used by intelligence agencies that terrorism is usually intended to influence an audience. When reading Mr. Briley's article I would like you to consider who the intended audience was of the Oklahoma City bombing of the Murrah building. Also ask yourselves: "Who was it that benefitted from this operation?"

Anytime that a crime is investigated one looks for three things:

1. Intent

2. Opportunity

3. Capability

Did the patriot/militia movement or for that matter Tim McVeigh benefit from this event? Don't you think it strange that once McVeigh was in custody that he didn't use the court case to air his antigovernment views? This is in fact what the government claimed as his motivation for committing the crime for which he was executed was it not?

Now I want you to look back before the Oklahoma City bombing at the laundry list of Federal legislation that the governmant desired the legislator to vote into law. The problem was that the congress critters knew that to vote for such legislation was political suicide. Most if not all of the proposed legislation was in direct contravention of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. A vote for this legislation, in normal times, would have immediately been seen by their constituents as a violation of their oaths of office.

But, after such a horrific loss of life from a bombing such as the Oklahoma City bombing everything is changed. Why? Because the constituents have been made to feel unsafe. Now the congress critter could vote for said legislation under the title of ANTITERRORISM AND EFFECTIVE DEATH PENALTY ACT OF 1996 without fear of any backlash from their constituents.

So again I ask you who benefitted from the Oklahoma City Bombing? The Militia or was it your very own Congress Critters and the Excutive that were able to pass tyrannical legislation due to the fear that the alleged homegrown terrorist had instilled in the public at large?

To this very day the real terrorist continue to bomb and maim. After each incident I want you to pay particular attention to whose agenda benefits in the end. Is it homegrown militia's or Islamic Militants agenda that is furthered? Or could it be people in suits in the beltway that have large private "blind" trust in the defense/security sector? Sometimes I just have to wonder if the real reason for terrorism isn't as simple as greed and the blind lust for political power at all cost. Again and again I am taken back to my training as an investigator and the intent, opportunity, capability, and most of all the motive just doesn't fit the theatrical presentation as presented by the government and their media toadies.

William Shakespear said, "All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances; each man in his time plays many parts." Could it be that this "War on Terrorism" is but a play upon this stage? Could this all be just a Theater of Fear with the admission price being the surrender of the last vestiges of freedom?

What part will you play?


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