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Abused By Illusions

Sunday, September 05, 2004
If you happen to be in jail this labor day
Only through deprivation do we ever learn the true
worth of anything. Only through indulgence do we ever
know the consequence of anything. Thus sitting
in this glass cell and studying the guards, much in
the way a small curious animal would, seems to be a
worthy endeavor. If you ever find yourself in this
situation watch how they carry themselves. Listen to
what they say when it''’s just them and the street
vermin. What attitude seems to be the norm? Now think
of the police department as a magnification of the
general population. All of the troops come from within
the community so shouldn't they have the same values
as the community at large? They should but they don'’t
and here'’s why. The police being the state's
occupying force are required to find crime. When there
is not enough crime then the legislator is required to
write new and more voluminous laws to boost the
sagging state treasury's bottom line. The police (all forms of them)
fight a daily war alongside their bureaucratic puppet
masters. This never-ending war they call TAX! Taxing
eventually becomes torture on the physical,
emotional, and spiritual constitution of a person. If
you take away a percentage of a person in the name of
serving him have you not transformed yourself from his
protector to that of his pillager?

How can we owe anything to the state, when in good conscience we cannot say that we
subscribe to the states methods towards it's ends? In
good conscience can we say that a person
has become a signatory to such an abominable social
contract due only to the misfortune of his birthplace?
Thank whatever higher power in which you subscribe
that the answer to this is no. Mankind is allegedly born
a free agent, mankind has free will. We should sing
praises to all those throughout history who have been
brave enough to stand up and say NO!
We should be willing to join their chorus with our own
voices and be willing to shoulder our share of this

Looking back on my guards and their ever more
militarized appearanceI began to see what'’s really happening in my community. A facism is
growing out of a once promising looking overgrown
patch of pavement known as republicanism
(constituional republconism not the wrongheaded
neo-conservative republicanism of today). But we are
just as guilty for standing by as idle sheep when we
should have been shouting NO! We are occupied by a
group of good young men and women from our own community. They, not through malice,
but through the lack of truly well paying and constructive means of employment,
within the community, have become the strong arm of
politicians that have long since forgotten from whence
and from who their lawful authority springs forth.
Truly, It pains me so much to ride around the country
and see facism growing more each day.
Through the educational system those who were once our
public servants have installed themselves as our slave
masters. They have handed each of us the knife, which
is the fear of terrorism, so that we might
collectively slice the wrist of freedom and liberty.
What is their promise for this sacrfical blood
letting? They promise us a false security. They even
say that the reason the terrorist hate us is that they
hate our freedom. If this is true is it not equally
true that through the passage of draconian laws
limiting our civil liberties that our leaders have
given the terrorist exactly what they want? I can only
imagine that where ever Usama and his cronies are
today that they are dancing in glee at our political
leaders capitualtion of our freedom and liberty.

So if you happen to find yourself in jail this Labor Day or any
other day take a good look at the jailers. Examine the
areas I mentioned and decide for yourself if you live
in occupied territory.

P.S. Like you I am not in Jail this labor day most of
what I have written today came from listening to my 14
year old son comment on what the polticians he has
listened to have said in the mass media. Sort of scary isn't it
when our countries political speech places our
children into a state of cognitive dissonance? But
with the criminalization of more and more things that
we have taken for granted as the simplest of American
rights I suppose the scenerio of spending Labor Day
in jail is not so far fetched. May Yahweh and Yeshua
bless you and your family this Labor Day.

©C.I. Abramson

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