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Abused By Illusions

Sunday, September 12, 2004
The Red Pill or the Blue Pill?
What is the significance of the red and blue used in everything from advertising to national symbols and demographic maps? In the Andy and Larry Wachowski's 1999 film The Matrix
Neo is presented with the choice of the red or the blue pill. One choice results in his eyes being opened to the reality of whats really going on (the false constucted reality of the matrix) while the other results in his going back within the false reality of the matrix and never being awakened to it.

In reality though I would argue that the red and the blue are much more nefarious than even that of the symbolgy used in this film. Both red and blue camps in society are equally asleep in the ideological camps provided by the political controllers. From the civics classes once taught, now largely discontinued in our secondary schools (part of the dumbing down process), we were taught that a bedrock principle of our democracy was that of a two party system. Thus by the nature of this grand illusion or is it delusion we are left this election cycle with the damnable choice of voting for the lesser of two evils. Based on listening to what John Kerry and Geroge Bush have had to say about their positions and my erudite comprehension of addition and subtraction prior to introduction of the new math I have come to the conclusion that we actually have no choice at all except be it one of semasiology. We are led to believe that there are great distinctions between these two fellas but in actuality there is none save that one would appeal to the nationalistic leanings of one camp while the other would appeal to the internationalistic leanings of the other camp for their continued foreign spread of western style democracy via the cartridge box and smart weapons.

This leads me, no matter how sorrowfully I must admit it, to the conclusion that I have arrived in our good friend Mr Emmit Goldman's camp. You see , he long espoused to me that the only real choice that we have is not to vote. For years I have resisted this argument based up the feeling that those that do not vote forfeit that one great right, that sadly I hold greater than all others, the right to bitch and complain profusely. But upon great self examintation I sadly must admit that this belief has been grounded solely on years of familial, social, educational and societal programming. I, by not voting, do not give up my right to complain anymore than she who has not farted gives up her right to complain that something stinks! In fact, what I do by not voting is make the public declaration that I refuse to legitimizate the two party system (the red and the blue pill) .

Thus, by withdrawing my consent and when enough others do the same, which if one examines the numbers is approahing quickly, the peddlers of the blue and the red pills will have lost their legitmacy in totality. I would also argue that these very same peddlers of the blue and red pills already see this coming. This explains their scramble for electronic voting which in my humble opinion is a scramble to cover up their appraching legitamacy problem.

One caveat that I would like to add is that of remaining a registered voter even when one withdrawls their consent by choosing not to vote for the lesser of two eveils inherent in the insane two party system. While the present system lurches as it gasps for votes (the oxygen of legitimacy) we should all remain registered to vote. The reason for this is that while the present charade becomes less and less leitimate we all remain subject to the power of the jury. One never knows when they may become dependent upon a jury of their peers to safeguard their property, freedom, or even their life. As such, I would advise everyone that is registered to remain registered, those not currently registered to get registered, both groups to remain registered by re-registering as it becomes necessary and to learn and know your rights as a member of a jury! You may be suprised to learn that the instructions that your are given by the judge when on a jury are not the limit of your rights as a jury person. You are expected to know your rights by the design of the judiciary system as originally intended. So be a good civic minded citizen and know them!

May you and your family continue to be blessed,

© C.I. Abramson 2004

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