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Abused By Illusions

Thursday, September 16, 2004
Chasing Opium Jones
or alternatively why C.I. should not write when he has the flu:) There is just something about stream of consciousness that gets my motor running. Can anyone else relate to this?

Chasing Opium Jones

It was 4:30 or 4:20 the masses slept in a self involved hammock interwoven with placid fingers it was obvious they had seen their handiwork through deaf eyes and heard the coruscating fulmination with blind ears a suicidal note was apparent in the muddy shoe prints left in their drunken gait the semantics of their worn heals spoke quietly of their ever more confused intentions prions of wasted dreams had become almost invisible but a mythical anecdote remained in the melting scuffs of what surely had been their toes already awake I woke with a jolt from what had until that very moment been an impossibly long rancid slumber induced I am sure or as sure as one can be by the narcotics that are the expectations of a society that itself is deluded in it’s own fatuousness a shrill scream or maybe a cry caught my attention just as it rounded the corner of my budding sagacity that
Was momentarily blinded by the adumbration of what unbeknownst to me was to be my inspiration my breath left me and in awe I knew at that very moment that even the great story tellers would discount my observations as mere hyperbole but continue I knew I must for my own sake and for that of my new found cadaverous masters whom I could now hear ballyhoo in their luddite mansions crafted of the thick dark aromatic soil that made them rejoice once more at what they had once bore and what their shadow led me to once again they new this dastardly gift of theirs was as much poison as it was lagniappe for my running errands for the unanimated scribes of approaching historical infamy and as sudden as they had presented themselves they had erased themselves and left me with but parting gifts of: a game of William Tell, a gourd of ayahuasca, a utility knife, a dream machine, an orgone box and a peculiar note that read:

“Shoot the bitch and write a book! That’s what I did.”

© C. I. Abramson 2004

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