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Abused By Illusions

Friday, September 17, 2004
Warning My Uber Rant for the Week! Some nice links though!
Abused By Illusions

Just wanted to drop this link on everyone. The Fig Leaf that will Undo the U.S. Abid Ullah Jan writing for Media Monitors Network likens the coming fall of the American Empire to that of the fall of the Egyptian Pharohs. Our fall like that of the Egyptians before us will come from inside. The massive Hubris of our leaders and their hiding from those seeking the truth with rabid charges of conspiracy theories will ultimately be their downfall. Sadly, it is not only our leadership that will live through the dark age that the Republicrats and their media lapdogs are calling down on us. The rest of the world stands a far off and sees the shame that is being heaped on during these ever darkening days of the once great American Republic.

My call to action is this. Join together and pray feverently that the higher power in which you believe will reveal these mad men before all is lost. The light of truth is all that can possibly save us in this darkest hour of the United States of America. Like Egypt before us our greatest enemies are not from without but from within. They occupy not postitions cloaked in darkness, shadow, and secrecy but the positions that throughout the history of our country have held the most honor. Our birthright as the progeny of the great Americans that founded this country is being and to a large extent has already been sold out for the enrichment of these fools that hold nothing sacred. They follow the exact path the founding fathers of the United States laid out for how we would one day lose our freedom if we ever dropped our vigilence. This is not a mistake this is by design.

In closing, just remember this, the elites of this country don't give a shit about you. Read what they have to say about you, you useless eater on the Georgia Guidestones. Pay particular attention to what the population has to be reduced to and maintained at. How do you think they will do this? They laugh in your face as you hand them your freedom and liberty in exchange for security that their court system has told you time and time again that they are not required to provide you. Do you think all the leftist movers and shakers that scream daily about how the American public needs to be disarmed don't have protection of their own? Of course they do! But an armed populace has proven to be extremely difficult to enslave. Just ask our friends over at the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

The elites in this country spit in your face as they steal ever more of your labor in the name of taxation to fund what they prove time and time again to be their failing security apparatus.
They take away your civil rights and chuckle knowing that you are paying triple to be enslaved. They will eat your substance until you and I are no more. They have convinced you that you cannot protect yourself that you need their protection. You are untrustworthy while their agents are ultimately trustworthy.



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